Dario Braga

Articoli pubblicati nel 2023

Articoli pubblicati sul Sole 24 Ore nel 2023, il tema di riferimento è come sempre l’università italiana Le scelte inderogabili per rendere l’università capace di attrarre i giovani 26 settembre 2023 Stanno riprendendo i corsi universitari. Abbiamo chiuso il secondo semestre con il tema del caro-affitti e con studenti fuori sede accampati davanti ai rettorati […]

L’attività in ParliamoneOra

La attività di fake-new debunking e di diffusione della cultura critica Mi occupo di due temi principali nell’ambito dell’attività di ParliamoneOra:Comunicazione, scienza e pseudoscienza al tempo dei social Dario Braga, Elisabetta Lalumera, Claudio Paolucci e Barbara Zambelli Giornali, radio, televisioni e social media contribuiscono alla diffusione di notizie su fenomeni paranormali, previsioni astrologiche, contatti con gli extraterrestri, cure miracolose, […]

Crystal engineering to inhibit fertilizer decomposition and environmental pollution

Urea is the most widely used plant fertilizer, accounting for about 60 % of the global nitrogen fertilizer used in the World. It is prepared in huge quantities (ca. 210 Mt in 2022) from ammonia (produced via the energy expensive Haber-Bosh process from nitrogen and hydrogen) and from carbon dioxide. However, much of the urea […]

2023 Crystal Engineering Course @UniBo

The course of Molecular Crystal Engineering at the University of Bologna For the academic year 2023-2024 external contributions were provided by guest professors Luca Catalano (USA), Susan Bourne (South Africa), Vania Andrè (Portugal), Andrzej Katrusiak (Poland) and Malla Reddy Chilla (India). 1. Introduction. Hystorical background. When crystal engineering was born. Tutorials on most relevant techniques for the […]

12th Bologna’s convention on crystal forms

The 12th Bologna’s convention on crystal forms – CF@Bo n.12 – took place on 10-12 September 2023 at the University of Bologna. As in the previous eleven occasions, the meeting was organized jointly by the Molecular Crystal Engineering group of the Department of Chemistry G. Ciamician and by PolyCrystalLine S.p.A., former spinoff company of the […]

CIERN Symposium 2023

1st Annual Virtual Symposium of the Comparative Interdisciplinary Education Research Network (CIERN) Tue, 25th July 2023, 13:00 – 15:00 BST The Comparative and Interdisciplinary Education Research Network (CIERN) brings international researchers together. As well as the networking opportunities, CIERN has an active research strand, which has recently focused on Covid-19, building on previous work by […]

A journey in Crystal Engineering Land

Meeting of the Italian Crystallographic Association 5-6 September 2023 In the beginning there was no crystal engineering, only crystallization. The products of crystallization were crystals, and determining the “molecular and crystal structure” was the challenge, the beginning and the end of the work of a crystallographer. It is easy to understand why synthetic chemists and […]

Crystal engineering to tackle antimicrobial resistance in pathogenic microorganisms

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the condition in which bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi no longer respond to medication. The development of antimicrobial resistancev(AMR) in pathogenic microorganisms is caused by the overuse of antimicrobials not only in the treatment of humans and animals but also in agriculture. The rates at which clinically and agriculturally relevant pathogens are […]